All Grain Porter

Beer Style:porter
Recipe Type:all-grain

This recipes is based on Papazian’s “Silver Dollar Porter.” I suspect the difference in quality between this batch and an extract batch is going to be the difference between fresh-brewed coffee and instant. The wort had a much better hot and cold break than I’ve ever experienced using extracts, and it tasted better too.

  • 8 pounds, American 6-row (Klages) malt
  • 1 pound, Munich malt
  • 1/2 pound, crystal malt (90L)
  • 1/2 pound, black patent malt
  • 1/2 pound, chocolate malt
  • 1/2 pound, roasted barley
  • 1 teaspoon, calcium carbonate
  • 1 ounce, Northern Brewer hops (boil)
  • 1/2 ounce, Cascade hops (boil)
  • 1/2 ounce, Cascade hops (finish)
  • Whitbread ale yeast
OG: 1.051

Use Papazian’s temperature-controlled mash procedure. Sparge and boil.


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